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Home / VengaTimes / 5 tips for when you are dancing and everybody is watching

5 tips for when you are dancing and everybody is watching

So you like to dance? And you consider doing it when everybody is watching? Let us give you some pointers!

You could say we are the go to source for all the best tips when it comes to dancing when everybody is watching, because it is our favorite thing to do.
Well, besides some other things. But we prefer to do those when not everybody is watching.

Back to dancing. It all starts with a proper prep. Follow our tips and you will be the star of any dancefloor. And remember: even when nobody is watching, always dance like everybody is!

Tip 1. Hair and Makeup on fleek

Preparation is everything. Tonight you are dancing and everybody will be watching. Whether they want to or not.

Does this go with a light, casual makeup and hair? Hell no! Bring out the works and transform yourself into the stage animal that you are. Think bright colors and bathe yourself in glitter. There can never be enough glitter!


Tip 2. Dress to impress

What are you going to wear? We love ourselves a good old dress up party. Feathers, leather, lots of color and again glitter (duh).


Nothing is too crazy. And it shouldn’t be for you. People are watching! Give them something to look at.

And whatever you chose to wear: wear it with confidence. CONFIDENCE IS THE NEW SEXY, BABY.


Tip 3. Make an entrance

Now you are ready to enter the dancefloor…

You look the part. Now get out there and do your thing! You will only have one moment to make your entrance: use it to your advantage and make it a big one. This is your time to shine!

Maybe your group of hot friends can escort you down to the dancefloor or maybe your cartwheel skills finally come in handy. Get creative


Now don’t forget, make sure you have enough space for your moves. Work your but and elbows to form a neat circle, let the people around you know that awesomeness is about to go down on the dance floor!

Tip 4. Tap into your inner dancer

Ask the DJ to play your favorite Vengaboys song and tap into your inner dancer. Everybody has one. This is your moment to bring out yours and let him do his thing.

Start slow! You don’t have to give away all your best moves in the first minute. Leave the crowd always wanting more, surprise them with an unexpected element in your dancing and save the best for last to finish your dance performance and making you go down in history as epic.


Tip 5. Have fun

The most important tip of them all: have fun. That’s what dancing is all about! When you are having the best time you will shine and light up the room. The people in the room will have 2 options: look at you and smile or join you on the dancefloor.

Either way this will be a night for you and the people watching to remember!


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